Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Questions Answered By Maddy

Hey everyone!

From time to time I often get email from fans.  A lot of them are sexual in nature or have to do with certain anatomy.  This particular questions is about male gentilia. 

"Oh, of course she's going to talk about penis!"

I know you well enough to hear all the cock jokes in my head right now. Haha

But anyway, the question at hand was, "I have curve in my penis.  One, is that normal?  And two, will it freak women out?"

Yes this is normal.  It's a natural occurrence in most men.  The penis contains corpus cavermosa.  In other words it's a spongy material that is on both sides of the penis.

If you google this or bing it, I know you can probably find more info than I am aware of.  But some of the causes can be:

1.  The corpus cavermosa is not fully developed on one side
2.  You may have injured you penis i.e. a knee to  your penis, a old "Football" injury.
     It can leave scarring from not healing properly.  The scar tissue can cause the curvature.
3.  Sex.  Especially when the woman is on top.  The pressure and pounding alone could cause it.
4.  Did you wear girl pants?  When you wear girl pants and you push your junk up somewhere it doesn't
     belong it can cause the tissue to not form properly.  Look it up if you don't believe me. : )
5.  Hereditary - some doctors believe this can be passed down in the genetic line

So these are the only reason's I know of.  I am sure there are more out there.

There are methods out there than can help correct the curvature if it bothers you.  This is where the second half of the question comes in.  "Does if FREAK women out?"  This will in fact freak out 50 percent of them.  And the other half won't care. 

This is true in anything though.  But, it also could work really well with the woman's junk, pussy or gentilia which ever you choose to call it.  It could hit that G Spot she never knew she had.

So if you are looking to correct the problem talk to your doctor.  There are also natural herbs believed to help remedy the curvature.  Also, there is surgery.  Most men learn to live with the curvature and use it to their advantage.  But, sometimes if the curvature gets too bad and makes penetration of any kind impossible then you might want to consider surgery.

So, I know it answered his question.  Plus, I added more reasons here.  I just wanted to let him know it wasn't abnormal. And that you can't have lover's without haters so to speak.

Well I hooe some of you have found this informative.

"The Doctor Is In" 

Whose next?

Thanks for asking.


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